Old Skool Books From 1999 To 2011

“Blast away at it! Get it done!” —William J. Mitchell (1944-2010)

Much of my inspiration for making/writing/designing books was the late William J. Mitchell. He was an absolutely amazing man who could publish a book a year somehow. Bill Mitchell, Muriel Cooper, and Red Burns were phenomenal people who all made computational design into what it is today back when they were alive. I refer to them all in the books that I wrote ... and I guess I stopped writing books because I was running out of people to memorialize. Because after a while, I began to think that getting older meant that there were fewer people out there to look up to. But now by living in Silicon Valley, I’ve found a whole new group of people to look up to: the next generation of computational designers! —@johnmaeda

Redesigning Leadership (2011)

80-page hardcover book on my learning how to lead as a creative person. Cover is printed on metallic gold paper.

Laws of Simplicity (2006)
100-page hardcover book on 10 laws and 3 keys to simplicity in tech. Cover is printed on metallic silver paper.

Creative Code (2004)
256-page softcover book on the early days of computational design. Includes a special dedication to the late Red Burns.

480-page retrospective on my early career, printed in five paper-types. One chapter is printed entirely on the edge of the book.

Design By Numbers (1999)
256-page book on the nature of computation and design. Printed in two colors (black and Pantone Warm Gray 9).


Copyright 2016, John Maeda